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This Season for Seed Catchers!

recycled seed catcher for 4x4 postI just don’t get it sometimes, because every year I promise myself to install seed catchers underneath my feeders, and every year I just clean up the mess below instead! For someone who does the backyard birding thing to the degree of overkill, you’d think these seed catchers would already be in place? Right now there are three heated birdbaths, ten in all! Feeding sunflower, thistle, suet, finch mix, live mealworms, peanuts, and oh…let’s not forget the squirrels! In summer we have two water wigglers, 2 misters and two birdbath drippers going too. By the way, the birds and butterflies really love the leaf misters!

Beside the unsightly mess below feeders, old seed becomes molded and poses a health hazard to the immediate bird population. Spreading fungus and airborne diseases is never good.The added platform space from a seed catcher virtually creates an additional feeder for birds who may not perch at the main feeder.

Available for 4×4 posts, standard 1-inch diameter poles, and adjustable hanging seed catchers, there’s just no more excuses for accumulated ground mess.adjustable seed catcher fits any hanging feeder

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