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    Bird Baths Will Have Them Flocking!

    By and large, a fresh water source will attract more birds to your yard! The best single way to entice feathered friends is with bird baths. Many species who may never visit a feeder, or even use a birdhouse to nest, will visit a birdbath with fresh water in it. Many styles will compliment an environment nicely by using design elements that are found in nature itself.

    This hand made pedestal birdbath is also hand painted. Cheery Goldfinches perched on graceful branches is such a scene found in nature. These kinds of ceramic baths really do enhance the garden or yard, and bring it to life once discovered by birds.

    The bath doesn’t have to be a pedestal type either, hanging bird baths are also wonderful for attracting birds. And if it’s a close-up view you’d like, deck-mount bird baths bring the action right to your window. Hanging and deck mounted bird baths are also perfect for smaller spaces. While birds tend to bathe at ground level in the wild, raised baths are preferred if predators lurk in the yard.

    The optimal water depth for bird baths is really only two to three inches. This is the depth where birds can bathe and wade comfortably. If the birdbath is deeper, a large rock may be placed in the center for birds to perch. Adding a birdbath to your yard will positively impact the numbers and different species who will visit…try it and see!

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Baths,  Birdbaths,  Hanging Bird Bath,  Uncategorized

    Got a Mother’s Day Uh-Oh?… Think Hanging Bird Bath

    Happen to wait till the last minute this Mother’s Day and scrambling for that unique gift she’ll love? Check out this hand made, solid copper hanging bird bath. It’s timeless sculptural design is distinctive art for any garden environment. The copper weathers to a rich patina finish over time when left to the elements, of course it can always be polished to retain the bright, and shiny newness too.

    Fresh water in a birdbath is the most effective way to attract more songbirds. Many who will never visit a feeder or use a birdhouse will visit a bird bath that offers fresh water.

    This Mother’s Day, give a gift of nature that keeps on giving back, one that she’ll actually use and enjoy for many years to come.

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Baths,  Hanging Bird Bath,  Uncategorized

    Hanging Bird Baths Do Double-Duty

    As hot as the past few summers have been, providing a fresh water source for feathered friends is crucial. It’s a life-saving element in many instances. The bath needn’t be an elaborate one, as water is the prize, and guaranteed….it attracts birds like no other accessory.

    Hanging bird baths are a great option if trying to decide on a new bath. They keep birds safe from ground predators because of the height at which they are hung. They’re easy to clean as most are made in ceramic, glass, or plastic inserts that fit in a decorative holder. You have various mounting options with hanging bird baths: any branch, or a shepherds hook, or a mounting bracket from a deck or porch. But the best thing is that they do double-duty!

    As winter approaches and temperatures drop, hanging bird baths may be used as bird feeders too. And not just for seed, the platform area allows you to feed a variety of treats to birds. Suet, peanuts, mealworms or any mix of food may be used with ease. So change it up according to season, and instead of turning the birdbath upside down for winter storage, help birds to thrive by offering nutritious, high energy foods for them during those tough winter months.