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new wave kind of tube bird feeder

hand crafted, and very cool tube bird feeder for thistle or black oil sunflowerA substantial sized feeder is good… because you simply don’t have to fill them as often. In general, hopper feeders tend to be on the larger size, while tube bird feeders usually hold less seed. This is okay if you don’t have much bird traffic, but right now it seems everyone is fattening up for fall and the yearly migration to southern climates.

This tube bird feeder is way cool, just the way it looks is pretty darn groovy in itself. I like it because it holds four pounds of seed, and is hand crafted i the USA. Super quality means it will be around for many seasons, and it’s made in two styles; for black oil sunflower or thistle seed. When the perches are all full… it’s really a pretty impressive site to behold.

Finches, Chickadees, Titmice, Nuthatches, and other small songbirds can be seen at a tube bird feeder. This past summer, we were lucky enough to see a few Indigo Buntings at the tube bird feeder in our yard.

As always, a fresh water source, such as a bird bath will always entice more birds than any feeder itself, especially with the severe drought in the Southeast. You can help migratory birds by keeping feeders full and fresh, offering suet and fruit, and a fresh water source in your yard. Something as simple as a large plant saucer filled with water can serve as a birdbath and oasis for many feathered friends!

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