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Got Squirrel Damage to Blue Bird Houses?

squirrel damage to blue bird houseOkay…so this may not be a bluebird house, but it does represent a typical squirrel-enlarged entrance. Has this happened to any of your birdhouses?

Early fall is the perfect time to clean birdhouses in preparation for winter. Resident birds like chickadees, titmice, and wrens will use houses to roost on cold winter nights. Our bluebirds actually stuck around and over-wintered here in North Georgia last year, so blue bird houses should also receive a thorough cleaning.

An old spatula works well to remove nesting materials, and makes the perfect scraper to remove stuck-on debris. Discard nest material away from the birdhouse, as this will likely attract predators. For the safety of your health, never breath in the dust from the nest materials either. Rubber gloves are helpful too.

To salvage an enlarged entrance and restore your birdhouses, predator guards are available. Simple metal portals work well, and fit right over the entrance, denying large birds or squirrels back inside the house. Two small nails will tack these down securely and in a jiffy! Decorative predator guards are also available, and will undo the damage done to your birdhouse.

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