• Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeders,  Finch Feeders,  Thistle Feeders,  Uncategorized

    thistle feeders hung by the chimney so bright?

    Holiday Thistle Feeders add festive cheer to any landscape - and finches love them too!

    They make fun stockings for birding fanatics, but these thistle feeders are best hung outside for finches! Being creative is a great way to put some thought into a gift… because it is really supposed to be the thought that counts!

    With heavy duty mesh and velcro locking closures, you can bet they’ll be around for many seasons of use. Stuff these stockings with suet cakes, seed balls, or a bird food recipes book for swell birding gifts… and the very next day we can bet they’ll be in use!

    A non-germinating seed, thistle won’t sprout weeds, and squirrels usually leave these feeders in peace! If you offer thistle seed (or nyjer) year round, Goldfinches’ electric yellow plumage will grace the yard in summer.

    Festive thistle socks make for quick & fun stocking stuffers too, and any backyard birder would be happy to get one. Because Goldfinches actually have busy season (late spring-early summer), adding an extra feeder or two always helps with demand.
    So roll up a few for your favorite nature geek today!

  • Bird Feeders,  Finch Feeders,  Nyjer Feeders,  Thistle Feeders,  Uncategorized

    thistle feeders are a great choice when starting out

    Goldfinches adore Thistle Feeders, and fresh water too.Here’s a real note (and our quick response) from an enthusiastic customer who’s just staring out with the backyard birding and gardening thing. This is the kind of stuff we love to see! Aside from a happy customer, another wildlife friendly habitat is being born.

    “I just received my Solar hanging bird bath and ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I LOVE it……I have it in my back yard…..I want to purchase another one for my front yard…..Do You have different styles and colors of solar hanging bird baths???  I am new to having a garden and bird feeding and baths….I love it!!!  It is soooooooo peaceful!!!  Do I need to put anything in the solar bird bath for the water???  Should I change the water everyday????  Thank You for the 2 gifts….I need to get a suet feeder.  What is the pop.outz that you are speaking about on the card that you sent me??  Also, I have a bird house, should I put the feathers, moss and horse hair in the house with some hanging out in order to attract birds???  I am not sure how I should present this to the birds?
    Thank You so much and any information is greatly appreciated!!!

    Hi Lisa,
    Sounds like you’re on your way to becoming a bird-fanatic like me 🙂
    It really is so cool just to sit and watch, sorta takes you away from the “day-to-day”.  Even though I’ve been doing this for a long time, there are still scenes and birds who never cease to amaze and bring joy!

    The first brood of Bluebirds fledged a few weeks ago, and mama brought the babies down to the feeder last night. When they first leave the nest, they stay in the tree-tops for about the first 10 days. So darn cute!  I’ve been trying to lure Orioles for years (gorgeous birds) who are considered migratory (only here in summer). My first one was in the yard the other day. The brightest hue of yellow-orange I’ve ever seen! They eat grape jelly and oranges!

    Hummingbirds will come back to the same place every year if they find the spot to their liking. Last night while sitting outside, one buzzed my head and sat only a few inches away while drinking at the feeder! What a site when they’re that close!  Jeez… this sounds like a blog post right here!

    Anyway, you’re off to a good start because fresh water really does entice more birds.
    Not sure if you have any other feeders, but thistle feeders are very cool. Goldfinches (great little songbirds) will stick around all year if you feed thistle. In summer, they molt (shed old feathers and grow new new ones) and turn an electric lemon yellow color. Sweet songs and very gentle birds too! Thistle (also called nyjer) won’t germinate to sprout weeds, and squirrels usually leave these feeders in peace! It’s not cheap seed though 🙁

    Just buzz me any time with any bird questions!
    Have a swell day!

  • Bird Feeders,  Finch Feeders,  Nyjer Feeders,  Thistle Feeders,  Tube Bird Feeder

    Large Capacity nyjer feeder won’t “go mushy” at the bottom

    Its great when cool stuff comes along that really works! This innovative nyjer feeder is unlike any other in the way it distributes the seed. Instead of one large tube with lots of perches, The Finches Favorite 3-Tube Nyjer Feeder operates on a horizontal principle. Typically, seed sitting at the bottom of a finch or nyjer feeder does just that… it sits there and molds – then it starts to stink! And then your finches will stop visiting.

    With the cost of thistle/nyjer seed these days (some refer to it as black gold) who can afford the waste? Not only does it make great sense as far as seed staying fresh longer… but all 36 birds will be in full view when this feeders’ perches are occupied. That’s a pretty impressive statement, and an even more fantastic sight to behold!

    Nyjer is also unlike any other birdseed or seed mix. Its non-germinating property means no weeds sprouting, and squirrels usually leave these feeders in peace! If you feed thistle year-round, Goldfinches’ electric yellow plumage will grace the yard in summer. If you already offer thistle in your yard, an extra feeder is always helpful during Goldfinches’  busy season. The babies are fed nyjer almost exclusively. Goldfinches have one of the latest nesting seasons, so it’s not too late! Don’t forget the fresh water too, birds are drawn to this life force year-round.