Bird Feeders,  Finch Feeders,  Uncategorized

new bird spotted at the finch bird feeder

indigo bunting at my finch bird feederWow… if you think male bluebirds are vibrant blue – check out this little guy! An Indigo Bunting in brilliant cerulean blue was spotted a few days ago at my finch bird feeder. More common in Florida, it’s rare for them to make an appearance in my North Georgia yard. Once, and only once, a Painted Bunting also made a visit to the same finch feeder. Lucky are the folks who see these gorgeous birds on a daily basis!

And fast? They almost as quick as hummingbirds, it was difficult to get a good look at him. Possibly the leaf misters were attractive, or he’d seen all the other bird activity going on? For two or three days now, he’s been spotted at the same feeder. A Finch Nird Feeder attracts more than just Goldfinches

More than just Goldfinches are attracted to a Finch Bird Feeder. This protective feeder sees many Chipping Sparrows in winter, as well as Chickadees, and House Finches. Just because a bird feeder may be labeled for a specific species, it will always attract more than just that bird. Finch mix is a great staple to offer feathered friends throughout the year.

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