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If You Use Window Hummingbird Feeders…

You Must Try Misters Too!

widow hummingbird feeders

Hummingbirds are in a league of their own…if you already attract and feed them-nothing more need be said. They’re the most anticipated of all migratory birds, and practice site fidelity. So if you’ve successfully accommodated them, chances are good they’ll be back next season. Basin and tube style hummingbird feeders work wonderfully for feeding the tiny jewels, although window hummingbird feeders will give you the advantage of close-up views.

Aside from feeders and nectar-producing flowers to attract them, hummingbirds need fresh water. Sticky nectar requires much bathing for their tiny feathers to function properly. They LOVE moving water too! Fountains and bubblers create the perfect bathing spots for them, as they’re able to perch and hover over moving water.

Leaf misters are hands-down one of their favorites. We have two at home that have been in use for several years. One mounted on the front porch rail, and one wrapped around a ground stake on the side of the house. Every year, we attract many hummers with this gentle misting spray, it’s an amazing site to behold!

window hummingbird feeders

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