
ADI Clarifies: 20 Bolivian Circus Tigers and Rehoming

Following the publication of a recent press report entitled ‘Bolivia: Twenty circus lions looking for a home’, Animal Defenders International wishes to clarify the situation.

Jan Creamer, ADI President said that there was speculation with regard to the fate of twenty circus lions looking for a home following the successful Bolivian circus ban, but that ADI’s position remained crystal clear.

“We were deeply concerned to read a media report that suggested that proposals have been made to euthanize older animals that can’t be relocated, without consultation with animal rescue groups such as ADI,” Jan said.

“ADI is totally opposed to any plans to kill circus animals before we have had a chance to look for homes for them.

“On numerous occasions, ADI has promised the Bolivian government, in particular the  DGB, help with the relocation of animals from Bolivian circuses. We have offered to rehome the 20 lions that DGB has announced are to be relocated, but still await a response from them,” Jan said.

Animal Defenders International has asked the Bolivian Government to work with them and provide a list of all the animals in Bolivian circuses that need to be rescued, so that the situation can be fully assessed and a comprehensive rescue plan implemented.

Once species, ages and numbers are known ADI can look for suitable homes.. In the interim they have recommended to DGB that the circuses be required to continue to feed and keep the animals until they have all been assessed.

The request comes after the successful rehoming of an 18 year old Hamadryras baboon to a sanctuary in Berkshire, UK in early September, and four lions to California, USA in May by ADI, who were instrumental in securing a ban on animals in circuses in Bolivia.

These animals released by Circo Abuhabda were taken to Cochabamba as there was nowhere else for them to be kept. ADI were then given permission by the Mayor to build a temporary facility while the animals awaited export permits from the government, on the condition that when the animals were moved,  the facility be dismantled and the area returned to parkland.

“Just like our previous successful rescues, ADI stands ready, willing and able to help and are waiting to meet with government officials to set the wheels in motion,” Jan said.

“This is not a lack of resources issue for relocating animals from Bolivian circuses for ADI and we will ensure that we do all we can to facilitate further successful rescues.

ADI would be pleased to hear from organizations willing to provide homes or help to relocate and retire every circus animal in Bolivia.

Contact: Agnes Huff, Agnes Huff Communications Group
Tel: (310) 641-2525, Cell: (310) 902-8131
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:  www.ahuffgroup.comAD

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