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    Convert Baths into heated bird baths in winter

    cool deck-mount baths that convert to heated bird bathsAs if it’s not hot enough outside, here’s one on heated bird baths.

    Most of the newer materials used today for bird baths will accommodate heaters, converting them to heated bird baths. True, that in the dead of summer, nobody is really thinking about wild birds in winter, but this precious resource is sometimes scarce for our feathered friends.

    A fresh water sourceĀ  is a necessity for birds year-round, and Mother Nature can be just as brutal in winter as she is in sweltering summer months.

    Accessories like bird bath drippers and water wigglers keep bath water from becoming stagnaa dripper can be swapped for heater in winter to create great heated bird bathsnt. They actually help keep water fresher by constant movement. This movement is also a visual magnet for birds! Take one cool bird bath, like this deck-mount mode above, and change accessories with seasons for maximum wild bird attraction!

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Baths,  Heated Bird Bath,  Uncategorized,  Water Wiggler

    swap heated bird baths for moving water

    white crocus in bloom near the heated bird bathCrocus… the first sign that spring is just around the corner (here in the south anyway) have been popping up along with jonquils. Bluebirds are starting to scout nest boxes in hopes of attracting a mate. Yes, spring is almost here!

    With this exciting birding season come the chores of a responsible backyard birder. Now is the time to check birdhouses for old nests, discard them and clean out the house for new visitors. Remove heated bird baths, or unplug and store the cord for the season.

    Cleaning bird feeders is a good idea as well, it helps keep local bird populations healthy. This includes cleaning up fallen seed and ground waste. A simple solution of bleach and water (1:10 ratio) will do the trick nicely. A good scrub for both houses and feeders, rinsed thoroughly and set out to dry is a pretty standard seasonal cleaning.

    Two of our baths have heaters for winter (the third one is built in). Heaters should be cleaned as well, removing lime and slime build-up before storing. Our heated bird baths will soon be extremely popular as they will offer moving water. Water wigglers and birdbath drippers will take the place of heaters for the next six or seven months. These are wildly popular with resident as well as migratory birds. Bath water stays fresher longer, and with moving water mosquitoes can not lay eggs.

    Easily transform heated bird baths for the spring and summer seasons ahead.. your birds are ready for it!

    removing the heater readies this bird bath for spring from heated bird bath to moving bird bath

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Bath,  Bird Baths,  Birdbaths,  Heated Bird Bath,  Uncategorized

    heated bird baths…well worth the effort!

    classic cedar heated birdbathFrigid winters can be a tough time for wildlife…survival of the fittest is nature’s rule.

    Not only do natural food sources dwindle, but shallow pools and ponds tend to freeze, leaving birds and other wildlife without a consistent water source. Some folks believe birds can just east snow to get water, and in part that’s true. But it takes them a tremendous amount of energy to actually convert the snow to water. Energy that could be better spent on staying warm. Birds, like other beings, obtain energy from calories, so this process ends up being a terrible waste of precious calories for wild birds’ metabolisms.

    Offering heated bird baths will encourage some species to over-winter in your yard and immediate area. Bluebirds especially, will stick around if heated bath water is readily available. Ground baths are also a great idea, because birds’ naturally bathe at ground level. These heated bird baths can also be quite enticing for other wildlife too.

    Innovative birdbath heaters will allow you to convert your favorite bath into a heated one. New materials that are safe for all types of birdbaths make it simple to do so. Even resin, or plastic baths can utilize these heaters, there are heated mats, resin-cased heaters and the very cool Heated Rock.heated mat is safe for all birdbaths

    This winter, consider adding heated bird baths to your landscape, or purchasing a bath heater for your existing birdbath. You’ll help feathered friends thrive and flourish during frigid temperatures, plus catch some quality bird-watching time!