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Use Bird Baths to Attract the Most Birds

Bird Baths

We create wonderful habitats by feeding and housing wild birds.  Backyard birders seem to have a passion for their feathered friends.  Through habitat, we can entice birds into our yards for our viewing pleasure, and their general health and well-being. 

Water is a super way to attract birds who may not visit feeders.  Fresh water is critical for wild birds’ survival, not only to drink, but to bathe and preen feathers.  This is what keeps them working properly.

There are a myriad of bird baths available, from basic to decorative, inexpensive-to higher-end.  Materials vary, and again, a multitude of them are available.  The best possible choice for a bird bath is one that you will maintain.  By providing fresh water at all times, you can be sure to see a greater variety of wild birds visit your backyard.  Water need only be 2″ to 3″ deep, as this is the optimal depth for comfortable wading and bathing.  If your birdbath is deeper, try adding a large rock in the center for birds to land and perch.

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