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Bird Accessories Really Do Attract More Wild Birds

Lotus BirdBath Fountain Cotton Nesting Ball

If you enjoy backyard birding, and want to attract a greater variety of feathered friends, there’s so much more available than just birdhouses and feeders.

Moving water is like a magnet for wild birds, and it attracts many species who won’t even visit feeders.  By adding a fountain, mister or dripper to your birdbath, it creates sights and sounds that are guaranteed to bring more wild birds.  Plus the soothing sounds of moving water are enjoyed by many folks too, as it’s relaxing.

Nesting Material is another way to attract more wild birds.  Many birds do not nest in birdhouses, but will use nesting material to make their home in your trees or thicket, or even in your plants, and near your house.

The Seed Hoop for example, is a bird feeder attachment that will reduce waste below your feeder.  But it also creates a platform below your bird feeder, attracting birds who will not perch at a feeder.  Ground feeding birds too will take advantage of platform feeders.

The Seed Hoop

So, if you’re new to backyard birding, just know there are many wild bird accessories beyond feeders and houses that will successfully attract more feathered friends!

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