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    Colors Are Changing at the Finch Bird Feeder

    finches at a tube feederWhen one thinks of finches, it’s thistle or nyjer seed that usually comes to mind. This is a staple for finches, especially American Goldfinches. Here at this tube feeder, it seems goldfinches and a purple finch are chowing down on a standard seed mix. Both will feed on sunflower seed, and possibly some other goodies in the mix.

    No matter what type of seed your finch bird feeder may be offering, you can count on the fact that mother nature takes her course regardless. Very soon, the vibrant yellow feathers we’ve seen all summer on sweet goldfinches will give way to a more olive-drab color. It’s the second molt of the season for goldfinches, when nature sheds the old tattered feathers and outfits birds with a new set to help brave the winter.

    Cardinals are also going through the molting process now, and may appear a little scrawny or sickly-looking. Know that they’re healthy and just preparing to suit up in their vibrant red plumage.

    The molting process of fall also signals the migration of many songbirds. Vireos, Warblers and more are on their way to southern wintering grounds. These birds need fuel and refreshments along the way in order to stay fat for the long journey. Placing suet out now is a great way to help migratory birds, with a high fat and protein snack that packs in the calories. Fresh water also helps migratory songbirds on their journey. A birdbath may serve as an oasis to some of these weary travelers. Keep an eye out for visitors to your yard…you never know who may stop by!