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    Got Crowds at Your Thistle Bird Feeder?

    Because of their sweet nature and very gentle disposition, American Goldfinches will quickly give up, rather than fight at a crowded thistle bird feeder. Larger tube feeders are great, but sometimes seed at the bottom tends to spoil. Multiple thistle feeders are a good idea, but can get pretty costly.

    An inexpensive and effective way to feed lots more finches is using thistle socks. The Finch Magic Thistle Sack is a heavy duty mesh thistle bird feeder with drawstring and toggle lock. Available in three convenient sizes, the black color is wonderful for viewing vibrant Goldfinches during summer months…the contrast is absolutely stunning! Hanging several of these feeders allows many more finches to feed comfortably than with one traditional tube feeder.

    Don’t forget the nesting materials, as these birds are the last ones to breed and nest, waiting until June or July. And as always, a fresh water source will attract and entice more feathered friends to stick around your place.

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Nesting Materials,  Nesting Material,  Thistle Feeders,  Tube Bird Feeder,  Uncategorized,  Wild Bird Feeders

    Attract More Finches to Your Thistle Feeder

    thistle feeder and neting material

    Encourage finches and other small songbirds to take up residence in your yard!

    If you feed nyjer, or thistle seed, you’re most likely attracting gold finches, house and purple finches, red polls, pine siskins and possibly buntings (depending on the area)

    It’s best to keep your thistle feeder out year round to enjoy the vibrant colors of birds in warmer months. Finches and others will also benefit greatly from a dependable food source during frigid winter months.thustle feeder

    Another way to entice finches and keep them around your yard is with nesting material. Cotton nesting balls are a wonderful way to encourage songbirds to nest in your yard, provided there is adequate shelter like mature trees, or brush and thickets.

    Add a water source to this equation, and you’ve created a wildlife habitat! Food, water and shelter are all it takes to attract songbirds and help them to thrive and flourish.  So get ready for the next nesting season with your thistle feeder, by adding water and shelter for finches and other songbirds.

    You’ll be amazed at what a few effective wild bird accessories can do!

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeders,  Thistle Feeders,  Tube Bird Feeder,  Uncategorized,  Wild Bird Feeders

    Keep Thistle Feeders Out Year-Round

    Thistle Feeders

    American Goldfinches are one of the favorite backyard songbirds.  They are admired for their gentle disposition, vibrant yellow color, sweet song, and graceful flight.  It has earned the nickname of “wild canary” but the fact is, Goldfinches aren’t yellow consistently throughout the year.

    As trees begin to turn with fall color, so does the molting process for Goldfinches. They begin to replace their tattered and worn feathers with a nice, new set!  The color change in males is most noticeable, as the vibrant yellow hue is replaced with the dull, brownish color of new feathers, and their little black cap disappears.  Females also molt, but their appearance doesn’t change too much.

    The dull, winter feathers of Goldfinches will not stop them from flocking to thistle feeders.  If you keep them filled all year, you’ll be rewarded with wonderful, vibrant colors in warmer months!