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    Bird Watching Camera with Amazing Detail

    bird watching camera

    Discover a whole new world with a bird cams. They are no longer exiled to birdhouses only. The Audubon BirdCam by Wingscapes, is an outdoor, weatherproof, and rugged bird watching camera that lets you bring nature inside. Photos and videos may be viewed on your television or computer when you’re ready to watch the birds in your backyard. It’s like nature’s reality TV!

    A convenient mounting arm lets you set up just about anywhere. View seed feeders, hummingbirds sipping nectar, or a busy bird bath for ultimate action. Simple to install, there’s no tools, wires, or software required. Bird Cameras are excellent for children to learn what birds visit your yard, and great for adults to sit back & relax. Enjoy viewing your feathered friends when the time suits you! Capturing amazing details you won’t even see through binoculars, a BirdCam will have you absolutely hooked on your backyard birds!

    bird watching camera

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Cam,  Bird Watching Camera,  Recycled Birdhouses,  Uncategorized

    Bird Cams Included with Some Houses

    bird camsSome birdhouses reserve the name of “ultimate” because of the great features offered. This bluebird house is dubbed the Ultimate Bluebird House with Camera. It’s made from recycled plastic  (poly-lumber) that’s guaranteed to never crack, split or fade. The interior bird camera is included with 100 feet of cord that attaches to your computer or television. Complete instructions, stainless steel hardware and mounting screws, with a raised screen floor to reduce blowfly infestation. Watch the nest daily and experience nature’s wonder of hatchlings growing and fledging their nest.

    Bird Cams have come a long way in that they are now available at very affordable prices, and easy to install. Some of variations on these cameras include the Timelapse Plant Cam, and a new Camera with flash. A mounting arm for attaching the camera to a feeder pole is also widely used among birders to capture some great activity. Bird Cams make for wonderful and lasting gifts for any backyard enthusiast too.bird cams

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Cam,  Bird Houses,  Bird Watching Camera,  Blue Bird Houses,  Bluebird Houses,  Recycled Birdhouses,  Uncategorized,  Unique Birdhouses

    The Ultimate in a Recycled Birdhouse Cam

    Birdhouse CamThis Bluebird House by BirdsChoice, is touted as the “Ultimate Recycled Bluebird House with Bird Cam”  Its many great features promise a better chance of a strong, and successful brood.

    It is constructed of poly-lumber which comes from recycled plastic and milk jugs, and has a lifetime guarantee to never crack, split or fade.  Some great features of this bluebird house include a raised screen floor to reduce blowfly infestations, and front wall screen to help chicks climbing to the entrance hole. A predator-resistant entrance and overhang roof help keep chicks safe and dry.  Proper vents and drainage holes keep nest dry and cool. Complete with birdhouse cam, all instructions, and 100’ of cord that connects to your television to watch the nest and babies!

    Birdhouse Cam