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Birdbaths at Ground and Higher Levels

Merry ChristmasWhen setting up birdbaths in your backyard habitat, pay attention to all your colorful friends, not just the obvious ones. Birdbaths are extremely important as they provide fresh water for both drinking and bathing. And they help attract more birds as well, increasing both the variety and quantity of visitors.birdbaths

In our habitat we have both a high and low bath, allowing birds with a preference to chose their favorite. Some birds prefer to drink and bathe at a ground bath, while others prefer a higher platform. By having two birdbaths you satisfy both groups of feathered friends. Be sure and add drippers or water wigglers to move the surface of the water; that keeps mosquitoes away while attracting birds to your birdbaths.

birdbathsWe also saw birds that never came around to the feeders when we put in the birdbaths and drippers. For example, the Robin is “the early bird that gets the worm,” but after she’s done eating she’ll come take a bath. They are fun to watch too; the robins can clear out the birdbaths with a few good shakes and the other birds come and argue with them when that happens.

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