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    nesting materials for winter?

    offer nesting materials in winter tooThe hobby of attracting birds to our backyards offers varied and interesting methods in doing so. Protocol tells us to offer birds nesting materials in spring…because this is when nature tells them it’s time to mate and build nests. And this is another great way to entice and encourage birds to take up residence, especially due to the severe shortage in nesting sites. But many birds will use cotton and other materials to line roosting spots and nest boxes for cold winter nights as well.

    This cotton nesting ball is wildly popular among Goldfinches, and since they’re more likely to stick around if you feed thistle seed throughout the year, you can help them further with nesting materials to keep warm at night.

    Some popular nesting materials include cotton yarns and fibers, mosses that are used for decorative aspects in plants and flowers, feathers, aspen fiber and even dryer lint and pet hair are popular materials used in nest building.nesting material decorative wreath

    This decorative wreath contains a mixture of nest materials that will entice and attract wild birds to your place. Refills are available, and it can be used year-round. Of course landscape plays an important role too. Preferably some mature trees, or dense shrubs like evergreens, and thickets will provide the perfect spots for your feathered friends to nest and raise their families. Don’t forget the fresh water too, as a birdbath will likely be the most popular spot in the yard!