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    Live Meal Worms for Better Birding!

    Squeamish about worms in the past, I’ve learned to like them! After trying and trying to attract bluebirds, it was the live meal worms that did the trick. Once I started feeding them, the bluebirds were seen everyday. They even decided to take up residence and nest in one of the bluebird houses. Not one, but two successful broods came into being last spring. I was so darn proud!

    Now, in the dead of winter, with snow in Atlanta, my bluebirds have remained. Three heated birdbaths provide fresh, warm drinking water, and the worms come out every day. I think they’re pretty happy to brave the elements.

    Feeding live meal worms attracts the most sought-after birds, it’s a sure way to attract song birds and exceptionally brilliant birds like tanagers, robins, orioles, cardinals and goldfinches. After tring everything, I think it is the only way to attract the elusive bluebird!

    The benefits of feeding live meal worms include:Male Eastern Bluebird
    •Draw a far wider range of bird species in the garden
    •Provide a high-quality source of protein and fat
    •Adds a new dimension to bird feeding
    •Witness new behaviors from regular visitors
    •Get wild birds to feed from your hand!