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    nesting materials that could pose hazards?

    There was a pretty strange video and some interesting discussions on one of the birding forums where I’m subscribed. For the above title to make any sense at all, you’d need to watch the very short video about conjoined robins and the follow-up to the story involving nesting materials. Check it out:

    Luckily for the robins, they did make it to a caring vet who performed the surgery to separate them pro bono. Turns out genetics were not the culprit, but a small piece of plastic thread in their nesting materials. After they hatched, it had caused there skin and wings to fuse to it, thus developing together. The prognosis for the larger bird is good and he will be released back into the wild. For the smaller robin, his life may be lived out permanently at the rehab center if he survives. His wing needed to be clipped in order to separate the two birds.

    Our discards are killing wildlife… especially birds. Fishing line and similar materials pose a life threatening hazard to all wildlife and in particular wild birds. Sadly but surely we kill the planet that sustains us all.