• Bird Feeders,  Hummingbird Feeders,  Uncategorized,  Window Hummingbird Feeder

    the versatile window hummingbird feeder

    this window hummingbird feeder doubles as a seed feeder in winter monthsIt’s kind of bittersweet-the end of hummingbird season. When the beloved flying jewels have left for their winter homes, and all’s that’s left for us is cleaning and storing the feeders for next season. But it doesn’t have to be!

    A basin style window hummingbird feeder can do double duty to serve your resident birds treats during the winter season. From seed mixes, or shelled peanuts, to suet chunks and even mealworms, window hummingbird feeders that feature a basin style can do a two-in-one. Lids remove easily, creating a window feeder for prefect close-up views.another window hummingbird feeder can serve as a seed feeder by removing the lid

    Your resident birds will thank you, especially during frigid weather. So instead of storing that window hummingbird feeder this year, be creative and offer feather friends another feeding spot… without the cost of a new feeder!