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    The Magnificent Bluebird

    bbhNo other bird in the animal kingdom bears quite the distinct characteristics of the bluebird.  The bluebird is renowned as one of the most serene birds, with a charming chirp that captivates listeners.  Bluebirds are great to have in the backyard, and quite different from other wild birds.  For example, bluebirds don’t favor traditional seeds, thistle, and suet that other birds like.  They enjoy eating meal worms, and will also eat raisins soaked in water.  Bluebirds are also frequent visitors to birdbaths, and enjoy heated birdbaths in the winter.

    It’s essential for bluebirds to have bluebird houses where they can raise chicks and be safe from predators, because other birds, like the common starling, will kill adult bluebirds and ravage their nests to take over the territory.  But with the right food and conditions, bluebirds are sure to visit your backyard!