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    Despite Gov’t Shutdown U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Sent Hundreds of Horses to Slaughter Middleman

    Government's underhanded deals continue with wild horsesMaybe this has nothing to do with birds, but due to the nature of animals involved, it’s a subject near and dear to our hearts.

    Because we follow them on Twitter, The US Fish and Wildlife Service sent an email they were “back on the job” now that the shut-down is over. To us – it’s not such great news, nor to wild horses, nor wolves, nor anything else that gets in the way of big money interests!

    Their PR department and spin doctors do a fantastic job in having folks believe their mission is to protect animals… it’s the furthest thing from the truth!

    Even while furloughed, the shady practices continued. Below is an update from The American Wild Horse Preservation, who follows closely (and tries to rescue) the unfortunate horses who are claimed by our Bureau of Land Management and/or our USFWS. How maddening… and our tax dollars fund this!


    Despite Gov’t Shutdown U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Sent Hundreds of Horses to Slaughter Middleman

    The Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge in Nevada used the government shutdown as an excuse to cancel public observation of the pens where 413 recently-captured wild horses were being held, but it did not stop Refuge officials from recalling furloughed workers to process and ship as many as 250 wild horses to slaughter middleman Stan Palmer (pictured left) in Mississippi.

    These horses were unnecessarily rounded up in September. Sadly, since they live on land managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, they are not protected by the federal law that protects wild horses and burros on Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands.

    Our efforts continue to hold Interior Secretary Sally Jewell accountable for dumping these horses into the slaughter pipeline, and to track the fate of the horses so callously sent to Mississippi. For more information please click here … we will continue to keep you updated on this disturbing and evolving situation. We won’t let the Interior Department get away with this and just sweep it under the rug. Stay tuned for future actions on this issue.