• Bird Accessories,  Bird Nesting Materials,  Nesting Material,  Uncategorized

    The Pop-Outz is Great for Nesting Materials Too!

    Offer your own nesting materials in this cool recylced plastic suet feederThis mod, recycled plastic thing is called a Pop-Outz. It’s actually a suet feeder that makes for a new and fun way to feed birds this convenient an economical treat. Suet greatly benefits birds in winter as it’s loaded with extra fat and protein. These calories are converted into energy which helps birds stay warm in frigid weather.

    We’ve given away hundreds of these feeders with orders, just because they’re so groovy and versatile… and they help keep plastics out of landfills too πŸ™‚

    Versatile? You bet! Pop-Outz make for the perfect vessel for offering nesting materials to birds. In our notes to customers, here’s what we tell them: “In early spring the Pop-Outz is perfect for offering nesting materials. Bright cotton yarns, feathers, decorative mosses, and even pet hair are a few favorites to encourage nest building around the yard. Just fill, pull some materials through the holes to get started, and hang from a branch where birds will see it. Enjoy!” Now if you’ve made a purchase with The Birdhouse Chick in the past year or two, you’ve likely seen that note before!

    Nesting materials will usually work in any kind of suet feeder, but these are just fun, and something a little different than the standard cage. Put your suet feeder to work super duty year-round. In summer, fruit is a great choice for migratory birds, whole peanuts work well in cold weather, and of course, load up with home madeΒ nesting materials in early spring to encourage nest building around your yard!

  • Bird Accessories,  Specialty Bird Foods,  Squirrel Baffle,  Uncategorized,  Weather Guards

    Protect Holiday Seed Treats with a squirrel baffle or rain guard

    a rain guard or squirrel baffle will protect holiday treats from the elementsHoliday birdseed treats are most popular this time of year as they add a festive touch outdoors and definitely help the birds in cold weather. But think twice about hanging an open food source with no protection from the elements. A customer recently told us she hung her seed wreath on an iron post in front of her house. Well, there was a torrential rain that night, and the wreath broke off it’s hanger. It proceeded to fall in the puddle below and sat there all night, turning to mush πŸ™

    These holiday ornaments for the birds don’t come so cheap… that’s why it’s use a squirrel baffle when hanging bird seed ornamentsbest to protect them from the elements. Using an ordinary hanging squirrel baffle works, and so does a rain guard. They come in clear plastic, so they won’t detract from the decorative aspect of the seed ornament itself. Hey, some are even available in red or green too.

    Another alternative would be to hang these seed treats in a sheltered area. A porch or deck that offers some kind of protection from the rain is a good plan. Believe it or not… these cute holiday seed ornaments are quite good for the birds! Many are packed with chopped peanuts, pecans, dried fruit, and sunflower seed, giving birds a high fat and protein-rich treat. The extra calories consumed are converted into energy that helps birds stay warm during frigid temperatures.

    squirrel baffles are versatile for all kinds of bird feedersBrrrr… it’s cold outside, so feed the birds in high style this holiday season! Birdseed ornaments make great gift ideas too, but don’t forget the squirrel baffle or weather guard. That can be used well after the holidays, for all kinds of bird feeders, and for many more seasons to come. And oh, by the way, we did send her a replacement wreath with instructions to “protect from the elements.” πŸ™‚