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Unique Birdhouses Worthy of the Big Screen

unique birdhouses in HollywoodYou know that saying a day late and a dollar short? Well for once we were early, so if this post resembles a previous one… it’s because we got too excited and jumped the gun on launch date!

Folks can now make their way to the big screen, thanks to a new innovation in mobile advertising. But it’s not mobile as in phones, it’s mobile as in wheels.

A few of our unique birdhouses might be worthy of the big screen… enough for a second look anyway, even if to say “what was that?” Birds find them swell places to nest and roost, and they’re even crafted with your own pooch as the model. So check out what we stumbled upon. Since the last post favored felines, we’ll touch on man’s best friend this time – the ever loyal canine 🙂

unique birdhouse will host many successful broods Daily sensory overload is apparent, but Zeusvision is something new and cool that will grab your attention. Extreme by all means, they’re 40-foot buses with a 31-foot digital screen on each side. Buses are complete with top-notch audio systems delivering fab sound as well. To experience this up close is to experience something pretty amazing!

The means can serve for public messaging where anyone could get their personal words or commercial ads seen in crowded public spaces. Ads are just one example; a football mom could use them to congratulate her son’s team on their championship, announce a wedding proposal in a big way, or just say something special in a larger-than-life manner! This innovation makes big media accessible to everyone, because your words or product may be worthy of something more than a post on social media.

no molds are used for these unique birdhousesBig city outdoor ads are owned by huge companies because of the price tag associated with prime real estate. That’s why they run their buses in these prime locations. Hustle-bustle cities like New York, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica, and Beverly Hills are just a few, with new markets being added.

And because it’s an affordable service for individuals and smaller businesses, we’re thrilled to put these unique birdhouses on the big screen. How cool is that? Man’s best friend immortalized in a functional bird home… and up on the big screen to boot!golden retriever unique birdhouse is modeled after your own buddy

As a side note, this was posted in return for some advertising… they never made good on their promise. Big fat thumbs down for this company.

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